Furry Links

If you want to know more about the Furries or if you, like me, want to get some drawings from/of Furries, just take a look at the links below. You should bring some time along, however, because there's an incredible lot to see.

Furry Comics

Sabrina Online - The Comic Sabrina Online - The Comic (German)
Sabrina Online - The Comic (Spanish) D. C. Simpson's Ozy and Millie Comic
Mark Stanley's Freefall Comic Richard T. Matheson's Skippy and Liska Comic
The Class Menagerie Suburban Jungle
Po Shan Cheah's Limpidity Comic Faux Pas

Furry Organizations and Portal sites

Tigress.com - Homepages of European Furries Furry.de - Information about the European Furry Fandom and IRC
Eurofurence.org - Information about Eurofurence FurCon.de - Information portal for planned furry meetings
FurNews.info - News site for furries  

Pictures, Stories and more

Furnation.com - International Furry Homepages and more Yerf.com - Furry Picture- and Story Archive
Vixen Controlled Library - Furry Archive Server for Pictures, Music and Stories Miavir's great Collection of Furry Stories

Other Furries

The Eric Schwartz' Homepage Murphy's Web Site
Rac Cooney's Homepage (Offline?) The Oz Foxes Web Site
Vulpes the Fox: Foxy Pages about Foxes and more The inofficial Raccoons Homepage
Lutra's Wetside The forgotten Forests (German)
Visit the Furry WG (german)  

Fursuit Links

Furvan's Fursuit Web Site The German Fursuit Web Site

Other Links

Leuzinger's Tiger Ranch  

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