Tigress offers a majordomo service and hosts several mailing lists with it. If you need more info about the service, ask majordomo by mail. The subject does not matter technically, but majordomo uses it in its reply. So you can recognize it in your mailbox. In the body you put your request-commands to majordomo. If you have no idea what to ask majordomo, try:


majordomo will answer with a short intro. Here are the most important commands in short:

subscribe <list> [<address>]
Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>. After subscribing most lists will ask you for confirmation by E-mail, so nobody can subscribe someone else. After that you get an intro about using the mailing list. Read carefully which address is used for messages to the list und which is used for mails to the list maintainer. Never send majordomo-commands to the list!
info <list>
Retrieve the general introductory information for the named <list>.
Show the lists served by this Majordomo server. Not all lists that are listed are tigress-services. The Majordomo-Service of this host is used by other domains, too.
Retrieve majordomo-help.
Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature). Its a good idea always to put this command to the end of body of your mails to majordomo.

Here is the list of lists hosted by tigress. Some of them are not in english language. Some of them are not public.

This is the Eurofurries mailing list, intended to be an open discussion forum for the European "furry" (anthropomorphic animals) scene, for announcements and general exchange of ideas. The subscription is open for everyone interested.
This is the mailing list for Fiasco, a shareware database for AMIGA computers. The mailinglist's purpose is to give Fiasco users a possibility for asking questions concerning Fiasco, giving hints or other types of discussion. The mailinglist will be also used to announce new program versions or other Fiasco-related news.
Internal Morphun Staff Mailinglist
Wolf lovers mailing list

If you want another mailing list about a new topic, ask Majordomo-Owner. But first ask yourself: Is there an existing list or news-group about that topic? Is there a need for a list about this topic? Am I willing and able to maintain this new list myself?

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