Unicorn & Butterfly - Guestbook

01/10/2002 15:37:21 Randi Jones www.Butterfly-Gifts.com

Great site! Please visit my favorite sites - www.Butterfly-Gifts.com has the largest selection of Butterfly Gifts on the Internet, and www.TheButterflySite.com is the #1 source of Butterfly Info on the Internet!

10/25/2001 09:27:31 Netzmeister netzmeister@DEATH2SPAMkevinundkell.de www.kevinundkell.de

Alright already. When you ask your guests SO politely, it's hard not to... erm... obey. *signing* *signing some more* *signing something that might be construed as obscene in a Virginia court* Let me give you the usual comments: Love your site, keep it going, BUY VIAGRA FROM HOME!, wow what a work of art, you should be earning money for this, CLICK HERE FOR A FREE VACATION, please keep doing your strips and, of course, please keep plugging Kevin & Kell.

09/26/2001 21:58:47 Mr Initial Man

Interesting format! Cool!

08/6/2001 04:11:32 NiteHunter donjasmoker@excite.com nitehunter.topcities.com

Hi you have a great site here keep up the good work . I really enjoyed my visit here. I will be back to visit again. Please stop and check out my page when you get time

07/8/2001 05:39:03 Tabby Tabbythajd@AOL.com

Such a charming site! Good job and good luck!

05/11/2001 04:01:33 Richard koalaman@hotmail.com

Its rare that I find somthing that makes me feel like a kid again. This comic makes my mind swim and bring me back to a young ae when I believed in unicorns and goblins....Thank you for making me remeber somthing i forgot

05/4/2001 20:58:43 Hukka hukka@nic.fi koti.mbnet.fi/hukkax/

A very cool comic. The ascii art is very good and clear :o)

04/29/2001 09:00:11 Barb barbvee@hotmail.com

Very clever, very thoughtful.

03/23/2001 18:23:03 Ryley freakboy51@hotmail.com

I got to this site from "Portal of Evil" (www.portalofevil.com). Seriously, is this an elaborate joke? You have to be kidding me because I doubt anone would actually make an ASCII comic. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?!?! Are you a guy (I have reason to believe you are but I don't know)? If you are, what are you thinking? You are drawing (?) a shoddy comic about Unicorns and Butterflies! What is wrong with this world?!?! And to anyone reading this that is defending this site to themself: You are wasting your life! Get a clue.

03/20/2001 23:36:27 menolly@inorbit.com

Since 2/26 the strip's been displaying wrong. Comparing source for the ones I can read eaisly to those I can't, it looks like the readable ones have float: left and the bad ones have float: right.

03/13/2001 11:35:37 Thorsten Wesskallnies thorsten.wesskallnies@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de www.informatik.uni-oldenburg/~tinki

Nette Strips, interessant gezeichnet, wenn auch teilweise etwas schwer zu "entziffern" (das ist zumindestens meine Meinung). Ich bin aber immer wieder verblüfft, wie Du es schaffst mit dem ASCII-Satz solch ansprechende Bilder hinzubekomen.

03/9/2001 18:11:39 Wolfgang bluesharp@songwriter.net gehtnoch.net

OK, I guess you can read german too, because you're going by the name of Juergen, which is in deed my brothers name. But who wants to be a copy? I have to tell you, that I did have sooo much fun with your site, it's just amazing !!!! Belive me I will make a good pronouncing for your site. If you want, let me know if you're interested in email contact. Have a real good time, and take care. You are real great !

02/9/2001 20:56:50 Reinhard Grafl reinhard@xpoint.at user.xpoint.at/reinhard

Some symbols in a picture pane
which you tried to read in vain
merge in your mind to form a bird,
a un'corn and a butterfly.
This might be the reason why
these letters give no spoken word.

02/9/2001 20:55:10 Reinhard Grafl reinhard@xpoint.at user.xpoint.at/reinhard

Some symbols in a picture pane which you tried to read in vain merge in your mind to form a bird, a un'corn and a butterfly. This might be the reason why these letters give no spoken word. As I have known this comic strip even since before its beginning, it was really about time that I also left some remarks in your guestbook for the public to see: Your comic is just great and I already long to see the 101th strip. Keep up the good work!

12/29/2000 22:33:43 Stephanie Albright moons25@excite.com

Very very cool site Jurgen. I do love it and look forward to each strip. You do a wonderful job!!!

12/22/2000 20:21:44 Angela Peer angela_peer@yahoo.co.uk members.fortunecity.com/redridinghood1/index/index.html

Finally, there´s a guestbook, great! This page is a real masterstroke, which mustn´t be missed by anyone, even by those, who´ve nothing to do with unicorns, like me! :-) Keep on drawing and greetings to all the visitors, and of course to the author! ;-)

12/22/2000 19:21:46 Gary Krepps

Great ASCII comic!

12/22/2000 18:33:55 Christopher Thomas

Excellent strip; keep up the good work. I'm quite impressed with your ASCII art abilities (insert Cranky Kong whinging about yung'uns and their "pixels" here ;)). My favrouite arc to date: The "alien" thread (though it's a tough call).

12/20/2000 15:26:12 Jürgen Wallner juergen.wallner@nextra.at members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner

 .$»´^`«$.       Well, what can I
 &(.) (.)&   say about my own comic?
 ·  (_)  ·   The guestbook is working
  \  ¸  /   ´       at last...