updated Monday and Thursday

New to Unicorn & Butterfly? You may want to start at the very first strip or at least with the most recent story line!

Vacation break! Yes, I'm really skiing again - next strip on 02/03.

Unfortunately I was not able to resolve the Macintosh issues, and it is unlikely that I can do anything except scripting to work around my workaround for MSIE on windows systems. My iso-8859-1 character encoding will prevent most Macintosh browsers from letting you select your own character set thus failing to display most non-ASCII characters. I'm trying to find a good solution soon...

As you all might have noticed, Unicorn & Butterfly has moved to Purrsia! My eternal gratitude to Tugrik!

   You're just     
 a copy!    Am I?  
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 .  |_|   . |_\ .  
    ¹--'.  '--¹   .
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          And what if
Hmmm..  it's the other
  \      way around?
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  Heck, I       Me
don't know!  neither!
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    ¹--'.  '--¹   .
   '          '

Did you ever wonder what kind of person I am? Well, given the chance, I tend to argue with myself - see left column... :)

The guestbook is closed temporarily - I need to find a new solution since I changed my ISP.

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Not really that new but still good! Tiffany Ross (be sure to check out her site The Cyantia Chronicles) has kindly provided some very nice link buttons - now there's no excuse not to link to Unicorn & Butterfly (ha, as if there was one before... ;o) )

Get me to the current strip/most recent story start!

Now that you're here, you could as well send me feedback. ;o) Did you like the strips, are they hard to read, difficult to understand, what can I do to improve? Mail me your opinion, comments and suggestions.

   I feel        \.«,  You sure   
embraced!` };{  .^^ } ´are right! 
                 ¯\ \}            

List up the older strips.