Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/11/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  A Horrible Thought II           http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly  (                              )           (                                  
               (  But moooom! If I   Shut up  )           (  I don't get it:   What will our 
    I mean,    ( could have another  already, ) Tragedies ( "If our relation-  kids look like
  think of the ( quartercorn sister  my dear! ) arise...  ( ship fails, then   without a 3/4 
 consequences..( then we would sum        /   )   O       (  due  to  ASCII-   character as  
          o    (  up to one again!  ~    /    )    o     .(   limitations?"      in ANSI?    
 )-.    .°  .-((       \              . ´  .  ))._  °.  ( (       \                  /       
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   ( [ ¯ ] }   (  @    /) |> .  |\  |/  ·     ) `?  | `´  (   ) )  |\ '|/  æ   \|  /|  · W `\
               (.`|´ · `` `   ._'´_ '_·   . @,)           (\|/~) . '´. '  `|´.  '. `' . \|/ ·
               (  ^   .  ·  .»" _~ ·"_~«   .¯\)           (  .  ·  .    .   ·  ·  .  ·   . · 

Note: In ASCII multilingual codes (e.g. codepage 850) the ¾ character is also available.