Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/18/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  A Horrible Thought IV           http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly              (                                                 )  There isn't. 
                           (   Alright, that's enough!    Wow! I didn't even ( I was about to
   And besides: Did you    ( We  are  off  inventing  a   know   there   was ) write one, but
  notice that fracticorns  ( new, superior charset which  something  like an ( I lacked  some
  must always  face right  ( doesn't violate the anycorn  "anycorn   rights  ) very important
   unless in closeups?     (    rights   declaration.       declaration."    (  characters.  
 ).        /    ------------------------------  \                   /        )     \         
   )   |  ´    ( Ah. At last! Where have you  )  \                 /         (      \        
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   (,\   /,}   ( mind -  ` P  .{'`,   _}/ /`´ )  »~( )  )      (  ( )~«      (    {/ \` í    
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