Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/25/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  A Horrible Thought VI           http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (& Butterfly              ) Well, no magic there, ( So in fact you are... (                 
 (   Greetings l'Hopital!  (           just look.. ) |                     )   Usually ½     
 ( Say, you've always been )        1/   \0      / ( | ...a mathematically ( is less than 1. 
 ( good  with  numbers, do (    »><«/2   0\»><« ´  ) |  disguised unicorn! ) However this is 
 ( you  know  how  to  get )   {%~¯X\     /N¯"&}   ( \                /    ( not  true  for  
 (  rid of fracticornness? (  {/ \` í     ì `/ \}  )  `     1/  .\´  ´     )  fracticorns!   
 (           /             ) {&  |\.|     |./|  ß} (    »><«/2   ,\»><«    (        \        
 (          ´              ( `?  | `´     `^ |  9´ )   {%~¯X\     /N¯"&}   )    ?    `       
 (       ,».½       ,».%   )-----------------------(  {/ \´ í     î ^/ \}  (   ,».½   \.«¸   
 (      %/.´\      {/ "\   ( ..closer!    .      * ) {&  |\.|     |./|  ß} )  %/ "\   /^ \}  
 (    _%/ /`´    _{/ /^´   )         `  \.|\"=«    ( `?  |.^´     `^.|  ß´ ( %/ /^´   `^\ \} 
 ( »~( )  )   »~( )_ )     (  lim sin(x)´&' `~{",  )       \       /       )          .      
 (   ]/`¯|¯>    |/  |\     )      ----==={¸  ) }ß~ ( And how   Not at all! (         /       
 (   |\ .|´   . ||  |/ . @ (  x->0   x   |  /\  `) )does that  But there's ) So take 1 and 2 
 ( . `´  ` .    `` .`   »|«)             | /  \    ( help US?  another way ( from  ½  -  what
 (    .  -     .      -   .(             `"        )           you can go. ) do you get then?

* This evaluates to 0/0 - l'Hopital's rule makes that lim x->0 cos(x) / 1 = 1