Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 09/25/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _    The Stars IV      http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly     | '        .     ' And why   |       *               *         
    Being the     |  Look, you may   exactly  '| But I   'cause I'm going to   * 
 dominant species | be superior and  should I  | still   prick a nice hole       
 of the universe, |all, but please   take your | don't   between your            
  we demand your  |try to be it    '  commands?| know    eyes if you  *   How    
  unconditional   | elsewhere!  Don't    .   | | what a   don't?        hostile..
   surrender!   * |     \   .  chase him   _ ´ | laser      \                 /  
 *  .-.  |  .-.   | '    `    away, he's  °_\  | cannon      `     *    .-.  ´   
   O   \ ` /   O  |   .  ¸»./    funny!   (~)N |  is!    *       .     O   \    *
     .-.\ /.-.    |      { ´´,   .»/  ´  <¸¯  )|   `         »=~/|./     .-.\.   
    ( ° )¯( ° )  *|    _&/ /^   ¸{´´.     )--( |   .»«¸/   ."}~´ '§`    (¬  )|\  
  *  >-´   `-<    | »~( )  )    % (¯      Kíì| |  »{"~X   ~&{ (  ,}===--÷`-´ ´ \ 
    (   ° °   )   |   |/¯¯|\    ( _¯)~*   \U") | »´ \´í  ¸(´  /\  |    <°       )
     `.  )  .´    |   |\° |/    <| |\      ) | |~  / ^´  %   /  \¸|  *  `:~´  .´ 
     .´¯¯¯¯¯`.  * |°  `´  `     ´´ ´´   - ("´] |            /    "´     .´¯¯¯¯`. 
 *        *       |  «       °      «      ¯¯  |  *            *                *