Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/26/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _                      http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly|                _.(¯)_ |                  |(¯)-- -           .(¯)  
             |  A unicorn's  (      )|     Wouldn't     |/¯\  ...climbing (    ) 
 Unfulfilled | life leaves much'"-~´ |  life be easier  |   \ the highest  `"~´  
   Desires   | to be desired. Aren't |  if this desire  |      mountains?        
             | we born  to run free, |  wasn't combined | };{ ´      \«¸         
  )ï(        | never bound to limits |   with all your  |           .``}.        
        ¸»/  | like mere mortals? And|   other desires, |  I never _ ´\ &      ^ 
       .{'`, | yet right now I feel  |     such as...   | said life   ( _¯)~*    
       % /¯  |  like even a single   |  /ì   .  /       | was easy.   /|¸(|      
   `~(¯_ )   |  step could be too    | / |  /| ´        |          .'¯`´ ´´'.   ~
  .  /> |) ' |       much.           |( °|«/°|  .       |ì  ~      }`"-^="-~|    
     ` .`` @,| {\ë/}    \  \¸»«.  `´ | \_(ö).'   \ . .  | \       (  °   <  }    
 by '    . `\| </U\>     `  X~"}«    |í¯`77~¯)    \¦X|« |°/ .'^'.´/ '  |  ) \.  ¸
   Jürgen    |              ì`/ `«   ||°/M|°/     7N"~?}| \´  .´  \    \    ( `: 
    Wallner  |       ~      `^ \  ~-=||/  |/      ¬ ¬ `&| ^)      / |     ^  \  `
             |                 / .  (|´   '       |  / \|´ \     (   .       í   