Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/04/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _                      http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly |                    |               |
              | Look, ALL unicorns |  However, I   |  ...end of the
  Not Likely  | are white and I do |  must  admit  | rainbow, actually
 to Happen to | know it's not easy | that it IS an | catch it and get
  Mortals     | to stay that way,  |achievement to | its colors to       };{
              | but I TOLD you to  | chase the...  |  run into
   x          | be careful!        |    \          |   you!       It's wet paint
              |   \          I'm   |     ` |       |    \         by definition!
         »/   |    `    /   sorry. |    .  §  .    |     ` ./          /
     ~.-´(´   |    »><«/      `    |    |\»/|    |      {/.'\     \«. ´
      />"7\   |   {%~¯X\    \¸»«.  |   :(´,¯,`).   |    _{/ /`´    .´'}.
              |  {/ \` í     X~"|   (.\   /.}   | »~( )  )       ²\ &
              | {&  |\.|     ì`/ ` |   ´)|\"/|(:   |   |/ ¯|\        ( `
 by Jürgen    | `?  | ^´     `^ \  |   { [ ^ ] }   |   |\. |/   .    |(.<|   æ,
     Wallner  |                    |               | . `´  `      .  ´´  ´   `).
              |                    |               |      '   .         .