Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 01/29/01

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity III  http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 _& Butterfly             - --(¯)-| Well, because  | Of course it - --(¯)-
  )-´° ) <    Uh - as much    /¯\ |all unicorns can|does! How do you  /¯\ Excuse
 . °)-´  °)  as I sometimes  /   \|    clear water!|think we could   /   me, can
  °.% ).crave for a cup of     |  /ì   .      \ |stay bright white   I get rid
 )  ) strong coffee, but      | / |  /|       `|if it wasn't for   of those
  ¦=-~your pool can't      No  |( °|«/°| Oh, it |that special       rainbow
 :|  stay muddy forever!  problem,| \_(ö).'_really |ability of ours?  colors now?
 .`;±=¬=-      `         it won't!|í¯`77~¯) works! |         \               /
  í         _  };{           /    ||°/M|°/        /|_  };{    `             ´
 :|_      _( 9     Why   \«¸´     ||/  |/   *    /)| 9   `I see. \«¸     \«.
 :}°)` . (_6_¯)'  not?  .´'}¸ .   |´   '    __  /)'|_¯)'    .   .``}¸ . .´'}.
 ( ¯°).    _.»-,_«-/_  . ²\ &    '|¯¯ * __  ¸ -/)´_|.»-,_«-._  . ^\ &    ²\ &
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 .æ .-´  -  ~. ´('<_.`_`o <| (| æ,|:.  :. '.`-\-´.'|~. ´('>_.`_`o (| <| æ,<| <\
 /`/  - ~ _ ¯ - :.< _'~ _`.´´ ´)|: .::_.*dip*\:¸*|¯ - :.> _'~ _`ó´. ´ ´) ´ .´
 «´ _  -    ~-.`-¯ ´. -~ _ ì  .  '|:°,:¯° :  __ \:.|~-.`-¯ ´. -~ _ ì  .  ' -    -