Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/16/01

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  Bad Poetry Day        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly         |                            |                             
                      |              Marvin please!| And,  so  my  suggestion,   
    Dear Reader, due  |  *Ahem*...                || this brings up the question 
  to recent complaints|'House' rhymes with 'mouse'|| "Why  on  earth  not        
 about the nonsensical| but 'houses  and  mice'   || 'mouses and hice'?"         
 humor in this comic, | for  whatever  reason     ||       |                     
 we'll interrupt the  | sounds  not  very  nice.. ||       |        April 16th:  
 current story line   |           |               /|       `        Bad Poetry   
  with a short poem   |           |              / |      .     .     Day! |     
   for your cultural  |           `       \     ´  |     < \___/ >      .` §  .  
    enrichment!       | -.-=-.  <\__/>     \»><«   |    ._) - - (_.     |\»#«/|  
            \         |   `.  ){´(¬)¬)     /&¯"\}  |    }=( ' ' )={    :(´.¯.`). 
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