Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/23/01

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  Perfect Clarity XXII  http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly       |8.            8  8.  |  (° \H/ °)        |     I  start     
                    |`8.  Hmmm,    8 °`8. |_  `.\N>,´  _      |  to feel like a  
   Phhht! Diving    | you can view it  `8.|   .´(o)`.         | mere sidenote in 
  for the perfect   |° from whatever... `8|  ( °/"\° )        |   this strip!    
   clarity sign..   | _ `8. |      8  _ °`|   \/ . \/         |       \          
            \       |(_) `8.` b¸b¸ 8 (_)  | ´     \   `       |        \    . ` í
   What's    `_'    |    °`8. `8`8 8      |   ..direction you |         `   |\  |
 wrong with ' \ö/>´ |.     `8.d°d°.8    °.|    want...        |             |°\»|
  that?      .<K\   |8. o   d´¬  ¬`b  o .8|                   |           - '.(ö)
  |         /  .¯ ` |`8.  ° 8  ()  8   .8´|  Could you please | It's the    (¯~\\
  |  I don't        |  °8o. °b  ¸ d°8o8°  | stay in place? We | wrong side   \°|H
  `  want to!       |-  .8888ò°oo°´888°8o.| are getting dizzy!| though -   ´  \| 
              Who   |  o8°´ .8       `8.`8|        `   o   ´  | our  pool    . ` 
   »/    »/  cares? | 8´ o .8´      o. °o°|        ° \«¸  \«¸°| is just the      
 ¸{'`, ¸{``,  ´     | 8.  .8´.88.   `8°(_)|_        .´´}¸.´´}¸|  other way!      
 % (^  % (^         | °8. (°o8´`8.   `8.  |°)-.      ^) &_²) &| ´  ´             