Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/03/01

 / /_  ·__ _Somewhere in Another Comic..  http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com
(_// )/(_ (_)/¯/¯)-by-Jürgen-Wallner--------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly      |           - --(¯)| In our case I'd  |DON'T YOU  And you can 
  You know, it's  | Because it    /¯\|say it just builds|SOMETIMES  always stare
 not so easy      |always feels  /   | character(s)...  |FEEL LIKE    back  of  
to act in    Why? |like being   Hmm..|        _` \¸»«.  |THOSE WEIRD   course!  
 a comic    \« ´  |watched.     \«¸´ |     <\ö/   X~"}« |ONLINE COMICS    `.»|«.
 strip! `x  `)`-,^|      `};{  .´'}¸ |      /K>   ì`/ `«| RUB OFF      )ï( ²\"/³
   /\   .   <('<\ |   /\        ¯\ &_|   /\ ¯     `^ \  | ON US?  YEP,      /^| 
   |//¯\ _' __._ '|   |//¯\'_. _'(_  |   |//¯\ _ ._ _ ) |,-.« )     TO AN _   _ 
 =.´ ~^´  \(, ¯ ¯ | =.´ ~^´  \(,¯¯ ¯ | =.´ ~^´  \(,¯ ¯¯ |ì( '¸   /| _EXTENT¯\(, 
 (   ',   `.]     | (  (',   `.]     | (   ¬,   `.]     |º«}^    L|/,> THAT `.] 
/\\   )     ` |ì-.|/\\   )     ` |ì-.|/\\   )     ` |ì-.| [^\ .-,> ~= SCARES  ` 
  \\ì´     -  || =|  \\ì´     -  || =|  \\ì´     -  || =| [,^//T´  ´, ME. |ì-.  
   ´ `.       ||__|   ´ `.       ||__|   ´ `.       ||__|/o.[/´\\¸_.² ´   || =`.
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 ;`:´´-óöÖÖòì"""""| ;`:´´-óöÖÖòì"""""| ;`:´´-óöÖÖòì"""""|888[\.  (   _.o³.-L    
--View this strip as GIF---------------Kevin & Kell-Dewclaw-©-by-Bill-Holbrook--