Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 07/09/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly |                              |                           - --(¯)-
             |  This pair of sun-glasses    |   -         ~                 /¯\ 
 Accessories | represents the cutting edge  |                              /   \
 - Technology| of adventuring               |    Even if               ~        
 Leadership  | equipment for    Um, I can't | that was true      ^  You wouldn't
  in Action  | the modern        think of a | - aren't they  };{   have trouble 
             | unicorn. The'll   situation  |  they cool?         finding a use-
  What the   | turn completely   where this |    `          !   case if you were
hell IS this?| black in case of    would be |      ,»»/    \.«,    a cockatrice!
         `   | danger!    /     \    useful.|     %/-@\    /" \}          ´     
  ,»»/  \.«, |   |   »><«/       \»><«  |   |   _%/ /`´    `^\ \}_      w       
 %/-o\  /' \}|   `  {%~¯Z\       /X¯"?} ´   |»~( )_ ) *flip* (  ( )~«  >’)      
%/ /`´  `²\ \}     {/ \()()      i '/ \}    |  |/  |\       <¯|¯ \|     7V\_    
 by)      (  |    {&  |\.|       |./|  ß}   | .||  |/  .    .`| ./|  æ,.`X-""=« 
    Jürgen   |    `?  | ^´       `^ |  &´   |  ``. `     «    ´  `´. ´)     .   
      Wallner|                              |«       .       .         »       .