Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 07/19/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                   .-(| ...well, you may |   You're right, in fact
          |   It has been     (   |have been born at |   it does bring up the
 The      | said that in your  `"~|the wrong place,  | question whether we want
Possibility entire life there     |at the wrong      | to exist at all! I mean,
 of Being | are only three        |time and as  Pity |do we *really* want to be
   III    | things that can       |the wrong    that |characters in an
          |  go seriously    And  | life-    once you| ASCII-art       Yup!
Infinite! |   wrong...      those | form.   know it's| comic?    Yeah!  '  Sure!
    ` ,».%|       `   ¸»«¸/  are? | \ ¸`¸  already í\|     `          `};{´
};{  {/ -\|          »{"~X   _ ´  |  \»X|« too late! |      ¸»/
   _{/ /^´|         »´ \'i   \ë/> |  7X"~?}   `|° »|°|     ¸{'`,  Hmm, outvoted
 ~( )_ )  |  .=.-=-~  / ^´   <K\  |  ¬ ¬ `&,   '.(ë)_|     %´/¯ `like this, you
  |/  |\. |»´ í  )_ . \        ¯  |  |  / \}.  (´~\\>| `~(¯_ )   don't have much
by||' |/ .|   ì /» ¯)/>>      »   |  `-^\  `)«¸_\°|M|| . /) |7  . of a choice æ,
. Jürgèn' | ° |(\   |[´   °       |     ´)  `~´"¯\| ||   ``.` '   .anyway..   ´)
   Wallner|   `"^ ° `"  »      °  |     (         ' `|'  .     .     .  '   .  ^