Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 07/26/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly              :  ^     |     *       *|    Well, hanging:me^up  ^   
        |Oh, scroll of blank paper | *       *    |on a writer's block* doesn't^
Ideas   | inspire me      :        |   ...but   * |exactly help your:purpose and
Anyone? |for your untouched white ^|instead bear  |maybe I'd be more:cooperative
        | shall no longer be   _   |the outcome of| if you weren't going _     ^
It's not|subject to wild  : ^ /°\  |my imagination!   to perforate me.. /°\     
April 16| speculation...  :  / __\ |    *   | *   |                 :| / __\ ^  
 is it? |       `   ,»«¸/ : (¯¯ () | *    . |    *|Spoilsport.,»«¸/ :|(¯¯ ()    
   `¸»/ |          »{"~X  :  ̯¯¯| |  í\  | ´/ì   |       `  »{"~X  :` ̯¯¯|   ^
};{ {'`,|         »' \´í  :  |   | |  | \»$«/ | * |         »' \'i  :  |.¨ |    
   % /` |  .=.-=-~  / ^´  :  |___| | ¸&´^"#~°`ß   |  .=.-=-~  / ^´  :  | ²_|    
~(¯  )  |»´ í  )_ . )     : (__ () | {: ¬   ¬ :}  |»´ í  )_ . \     : (_¯¯()  ^ 
¸/)¯|>  |   ì /  ¯)¡\     :    ¯¯  |( }\     /( } |   ì /  ¯)/>>    :   ¯¯¯     
by` `   | . ]|\ . ]|/    ':  ^     | X |\   /|.´( | . ]|\ . |[´    ':  ^       ^
 Jürgen |   `"^  .`"  °   `'·».¸  ^|( }§ `=´ {`í }|   `"^  .`"  °   `'·».¸  ^   
 Wallner| o '  °    .  '  o   . ¯`'| ( }     )( Y | o '  °    .  '  o   . ¯`'·».

* See Perfect Clarity VI.