Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 08/27/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly               \ _ / |  It opens up my  |  Questions      Nah,   -=-
          | The mountains  ´\_/` |mind for questions| of  *very*   that's just  
 Too Much | sure are a   -÷-(_)-÷| of fundamental   | theoretical  the narrow-  
Philosophy| good place to  ./_\. |importance: Where | nature, if   mindedness   
 Gets You | spend one's    /   \ | do we come from, |  you ask     of earthbound
  Down... | holidays!     Yeah,  | which way do we  |-  me..     ^   creatures! 
          | /         the scenery|  go...        _¸.|    ` ¸»/            ´     
 \ ¸ ¸    | \     always makes me|   \ .   í\     `"|·¸   ¸{´´,         };{    ^
  \»X|«   |  How   philosophical!|    `|\  | \      |´ `·.% /`                  
  7N"~?}  |  so?          ´      |     |°\»|° )     | ´~(¯_ )·´`·.¸.¸.·^·.     ¸
  ¬ ¬ `&. |    `       _     ^   |=-   '.(ë)_/   ^  |÷-=|)-|>_  ·'   `·.¸ `·:'´ 
  |  / \}.|   ¸»«¸/    \ë/> __¸.-|     (¯/\\>¯ì     | · ``_`.:'       ¸.·^'·. `·
  `-´\  ` |  »{"~X     <K\   ¯`"~|      \°|H\°|     |~"¨´¯ .´ ¸`    ·´   _      
by        | »% \´í   -=- ¯       | ¸/    \|  \|  ¸·'|`  ^ '    .              - 
 Jürgen   |~´ / ^´           ¸   |./   ~  `   '.'   | '  : *crumble*  _   -    ¸
  Wallner | . \.·'^'·.¸   ¸.' '.¸|/        ¸.·´     | )  ¦       _     ¸.¸  .·´ 