Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 09/03/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                    (                   I feel SO     )             
          |  Being a counsellor .-   __ ¸_         exchangeable! -.   ...the    
 Trouble  | is not easy if you (  ¨`¯`.(¯¬)'·.¸        __ `  __    )  next was  
Everywhere|  are living in a    :-' `.´'`¨ '  ¸`'·.    \ \  / /  -:  a space who
          |  world where even  (  .´.  `  '_  _¸.·´     \ \/ /     )  complained
          | the most basic bits '- '  ´__'(«¯¯       |¯¯¯    ¯¯¯|-'   that its  
  -,»/    | put their existence ( -~¨´¯  ¯¯           ¯¯/ /\ \¯¯  )   life was  
 -{~'i };{|     in question...   '-,        `Next one, / /  \ \.-'    kind of   
 {/(`´    |                 )     (           please!  ¯¯    ¯¯ )     "empty".. 
 ( _¯)`   | It's getting   Yeah,   '-(                       )-'  And     `     
 /| \(    |  worse?       recently    '-'(   .   .   .   )'-'    then?          
_\|_||_   |    `     .¨¯`. even individual'-' '-'|'-' '-'         ´      ."¯`.  
          |     )ï(   ^¯) ) ´  characters came   |    ¸_       };{        ^¯) ) 
by        |  .       . /x(_______looking for     |    |~Ì   .       .    . /x(__
 Jürgen   |.      .    `. X X X_X advice...  ' æ,| .  'I´ `Dr. Snake,  .   `._X 
  Wallner |   '    .   ' ¯¯¯¯¯¯.¯¯¯ '   ,      `\|    .^  Counselling   .  '  ¯¯