Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/03/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _   Fire-Wire            http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                                                                    
       Ahh, these days     But, that's  Yeah, all of          Ooh, must be      
      nothing beats the   a telephone   Jürgen's data     )    really HOT       
      gentle heat that     wire! The    traffic goes     (     stuff then,      
     comes from a 220KV   power line's   through it!      )   dontcha think?    
          ) power line.    over there! (   /  )       (           )  |          
      )  (        )  `       ) `        ) ´  (   )     )   (     (   `   )      
     (   _   ) _ (   ¸ (    (    _ (   _     ¸  (        _  )  _     ¸  (       
   _    (") ( ('>   >') )  _   _(¨> ) ('<   (")    _    ('>   (´>   >')    _    
__|_¦__<(^)\ <(¯)7 <(¯)>__|_¦__`(¯)> /(¯)7 <(^)\__|_¦__<(¯)7 <(¯)\ <(¯)>__|_¦__ 
  | ¦  ¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯  | ¦  ¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯  | ¦  ¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯¯¯¯¨¯¯  | ¦   
  | ¦                     | ¦                     | ¦       `You     CUT THAT!  
  | ¦                     | ¦                     | ¦       sure?    WILL YA? ` 
  | ¦                     | ¦                     | ¦                     | ¦   
 by Jürgen Wallner        | ¦                     | ¦                     | ¦   