Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/10/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _  Secrets Revealed      http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly      |                  |                   |                      
                  |                  |                   |  ..and you don't     
 Say, Jürgen, why |  Oh, I actually  |                   | even know how        
didn't you keep   |  did! This is    | };{               | much so.       Old   
your promise, not |  not a comic!    |       Because     |  (        grouch! You
to appear in your |          ´       |    I'm not funny. | So, when  don't have 
own comic again?  |     ¸»*¥*«¸  };{ |           `       | will you  to read it,
    ´ ¸»«¸        |     ²(.¯.)³      |  Yeah..    sG&o,  | start to    do you?  
\¸»«¸ ."²&   };{  |      ( º )   Why | \ ¸´¸      ' ·³9  | pay your     ´       
 X~"}«_i (        |    í\_)¦(_/ì not?|  \»X|«    (^_ /   | audience   »¸        
 i'/ ò)_/]        |    | \»§«/ |  ´  |  /N~"ß}(-9_)´(    |  then?  \«."&    x   
 `^ \ `>=)-.=.    |  .´%´°~#~^`&`.   |  ¬ ¬ `&,¯\(`"´\   |    `   .´'}ì(        
    ( < <(  ì `«  | ( §: ¬   ¬ :} )  |  |  / \}. |(¯)_)  |         ¯\°í]        
    /\()´>\ í     |  (¯)\     /(¯)   |  `-^\  `)«]_¯|    |          ( <<)~`     
^   \]|`´ ]\\  ,  |   7 |\   /|.¯)   |     ´)  `~/ ¯)=.  | .     '  <|°í\   .  '
  »  "´ ° ^´"´   o|  {¯)$ `=´ { ( }  |    .(    /  /  )`.|   ¤ .   ' ´ ´´ .   « 