Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 03/04/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                    |                 |               _¸_       \_/ 
         |  What?               |  How   Well, he | -=-   _¸.-,¸_¸ ¯   - ---(ö)-
Literally| No Jürgen    Nope!   | that?  had been | And?   ¯`"´¯            /¯\ 
 Deep    | in today's  He's been|   |   trying to | Successfully     ^     /   \
         |  strip?    awfully   |/ì ´ . increase  | so?                         
  ..is   |   `     busy lately _| |  /| the depth |  ´    Ummm,     ___    ___  
 better  |  };{     and needs | |°|«/°|   of his  | };{  partly... |  |\  |  |\ 
than fig-|           a rest.  | |_(ö).' characters|         ´      |  | | |  | |
uratively|           \«¸´     | |`77~¯) - whatever|       \«¸      |  | | |  | |
  flat.  |          .´'}¸     | |/M|°/ that means.|      .´'}¸     |   ¯¯¯   | |
    _`   |           ¯\ &     | |  |/    \ ¸ ¸ ´  |       ²\ &     |   ___   | |
    \ö/> |.           ( _¯)~´ | |  '      \»X|«   |        ( _¯)~` |  | | |  | |
    <K\  |o)-.      - (| <| _ | |         7N"~?}  |      - <| (| _ |  | | |  | |
by    ¯  | o °) ' ¸æ  ´´  ´   | |         ¬ ¬ `&. |) ' ¸æ   ´ ´´   |  |/ -|  |/ 
 Jürgen  |-^"'    (`    ´  .   ¯|         |  / \}.|    (`    ´  .   ¯¯¯ .  ¯¯¯' 
  Wallner|    ^  «     °       o|         `-^\  ` |^  «     °       o      «   °