Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 03/14/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly|                     |                       |                     
            |  Know what? Given   |  As a comic character | ..and readers can't 
 2B | !2B   | the format of our   | you also only exist   |  prove it, anyway.  
            | strip, one could    | while someone         |  That's just like   
 "To be or  | argue that not only | is looking     So,    | you'll never know   
 not to be."|  is the world flat, | at you!    people are | whether or not the  
   /ì / .   | it's also just 80   |     (   winking at me | light in the fridge 
  / |´ /|   | times 16 characters |  Why    in  the  hope | is really off when  
 ( °|«/°|   |           in size!  | bother,  that I might |  the door is shut.  
  \_(ö).'   | True, but      `    | you don't   disappear?|    |                
 í¯`77~¯)   |it's even ¸»/   };{  | notice being   _ ´    |    ` ¸»/   Cool!    
 |°/M|°/    |worse! ` ¸{'`,       | inexistent..   \ë/>   |     ¸{´´,    `      
 |/  |/     |         % /`        |    `   ¸»«¸/   <K\    |     % /`     };{    
 ´   '      |     ´¯(¯_ )         |       »{"~X      ¯    | `~(¯_ )           _(
by Jürgen   |    .  |> |) ' ¸æ    |      »´ \^î           |.  /) |> '  ¸æ    (° 
    Wallner | .     ` .``   (`   .|=.-=-~  / `´           |   ``.`     (`  .  `"