Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/02/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly  |                   _¸,-=.¸_   |                                 .
              |  No, no, NO! I     ¯`"~´¯    |  However, if you      You know.´ 
 To Each      | was not thinking of     -=-  | are looking for a    there's no  
  his Own     | a new leading part           | supporting role,   placebo effect
              | in my strip, when            | did you consider   in structural 
 ..and double | I said I was                 |  becoming a         engineering, 
  to me!      | looking for       Crud!    ..|   squinch?           do you? |   
     `        | a new story         `   .::::|       `                ` ..::::: 
 };{  .»½     |  arc!  ´              .::::::|  };{   ¸»«¸           .::::::::: 
     .{'`,    |    ,o&Qç            .::::::::|        &³',         .::::::::::: 
     % /`     |    6´· '           ::::::::::|        ).(_        ::::::::::::: 
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   |) |> . ´) |     _) (.¸       ::::::::::  |        (=¦       .:::::::: *lean*
 ' ``.`      '|   .´ '"´  \ _   ::::::::::   |)_  _   /_|>    - ::::::::'   |   
by Juergen '  |  / .í    | (_) .:::::::::'   | °)     ¹--'  _   :::::::: -  `.  
    Wallner   |  \ \| ¸¸.{`´   ::::::::::    |"´   ^     »       -     «   _  `.