Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/08/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _    Eureka!             http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly           |          ~       Hmmmm,       |                        
                 ^     |               the paradoxical |             You realize
  EUREKA!      Sounds  | "There is     effect of self- |  Dammit,   you're about
I found "the   like a  |no such thing  contradiction is| that's an      to shoot
undeniable   tautILLogy|as an eternal   that it still  | exception...   yourself
 argument":   to me..  |  truth!"      doesn't prove   |     `         into your
     `          ´      |     ` _         the contrary..|   /ì   .    OTHER foot,
    };{                |    <\ë/             ´         |  / |  /|    don't you? 
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   o         '         | ' ': o.´    «   "´ . ^"´      |o`.              )    `~