Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/22/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _  Test yourself!        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly   ( a) a bare-breasted ) b) a mermaid     ( c) Marvin, wearing one 
               (     beauty         (                  )     of his exceptional 
 WHAT DO YOU   (       ¸»«¸   Why   )       ¸»«¸       (        ¸»«¸bathing-caps
 EXPECT WHEN   (       {"³$  ´not?  (       $''$       )        {'³&            
YOU SEE *THIS* (    _¸ _)(_         )       _)(_       ( Who   <\)(/> .-=-.-    
IN A UNICORN'S (    "\(·(·)\        (      (.(.)\      ) else? (·(·)`}(  .´     
  POOL?        (      ¯\¸(//        )     //).( \\     (   `  .´¯ ¯  \ \/       
               (       /Y )"        (    ´"(¯¯¯)'"`    )     (^¸^,< . `<        
 Dum, de dum.. (      (( /_         )       ) (        (      `"`  \  ´ `·.     
    ` ¸»«¸     (       `\\-³        (      /.-.\       )            ) ·  ´      
      {'³&     (         )\         )     /´   `\¸¸¸¸,.:....········''''''''''''
   _  _)(_  -  (         "´_¸,..--····'''':¨¨¨¨¨¯           : Know the  SHADDUP!
 _   (.(.)\  - (       ¸·'´Since when do  : You REALLY  Mph.: Coolidge-  `¸»«¸  
     :·:·;'    (     ¸'YOU fancy bare¸»«¸ : miss her - ¸»«¸´:  Effect?    .'²&  
  __  ¯::  ¯¯  (    . breasted `     .`³& : don't `)ï( ."³& :      `};{   _ì.(  
      :.:;     (    :  babes?   };{   ).( : you?        ).( :            c)_/]  

"Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say..." - Farewell thee, friend of more than one year.