Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 04/29/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly |  Oh, most people are  |     Well,          |                     
             | hopeless materialists,|  isn't it a true   | ...not to mention   
 Things that | even in their eternal | miracle that there | there's no fluid    
Inecplicably | search for the arcane | is no such thing   | and no solid        
don't Exist  | and marvellous, but   | as a "macrophone", |  pedal...   ..which 
             | shouldn't we really   | a "stato" or a     |   ´       should not
The world is | stand in astonishment |  "zeropod"..       |         surprise you
full of them!| and wonder before     |   /ì ´ .       .   | };{  since there are
    ¸ ´ ¸    | the things that   Do  |  / |  /|      >o<  |        no breadflies
    |\»/(    | DON'T exist?    I even| ( °|«/°|       '   |             either! 
    {^.^} _  |    ´    \«¸  WANT to  |  \_(ö).'   \ ¸ ¸   |        \«¸ ´        
    ´)´(`((  |  };{   .´'}¸´know what| í¯`77~¯)    \»X|«  |       .´´}¸         
    ( ¤ )_)) |_        ²\ &_    you  | |°/M|°/     7N"~?} |_       ¯\ &_        
 ' (||//|)~ .|°)_       ( _ )~` mean?| |/  |/      ¬ ¬ `&¸|°)_      ( _ )~`     
by ¨"´¨¯^¨.  |) °)    . <| (|   æ¸   | ´   '       |  / \}|) °)    .(| <\    æ¸ 
Jürgen Wallner~"´  .    ¸´ ´´ . ´) ' |             `-´\  `|~"´  .   ´´¸ ´  . ´) 