Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 07/01/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _Attention of the Crowds http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly |                              |      _¸.-.¸_    |,-.¸_  -=-       
             |     Whenever I see one of    | =-     ¯¨´ _¸.-;|"-~´       ~   -=
 Conclusion  |   of those alpine pastures   |  Indeed!    `"~-| That humans     
             |   full of flowers, I am      | Through cutting |would be better  
  Strange..^ |   reminded that, despite     | the grass they  | off gardening?  
 -   `       |   their pollution, traffic   | give the flowers|    |            
      »/  x  |   jams, weapons of mass-     | room to grow. So|    ' Presumably.
  ~.-´(´     |   destruction, this, too,    |  what does that |  /ì   .    |    
   />")>     |   is the work of man.        |   teach.us?     | / |  /|    '    
.-'¨´¯`¨'-._ |          `            It is? |    í\` |  /ì    |( °|«/°|         
 . ` . ' -  `|           .»/          ´     |    | \»§«/ |    | \_(ö).' \ ¸ ¸   
°  -  ¤ . ^ '|          .{'`,      };{      |   ¸%´^~#~°`&    |í¯`77~¯)  \»X|«  
 « ¸æ .   @ ª|          % /`                |   §: .   . :}   ||°/M|°/   7N"~?} 
by (`» ¸W¸" `|      ´~(¯_ )                 |  { )\     / (9  ||/  |/    ¬ ¬ `&¸
 Jürgen´7`(N)|_     . |> |)  «              |   ì |\   /|.´)  |´   '     |  / \}
  Wallner ´T`| .   ¤  ` æ``   .  w '  °   . |  { )$ `=´ { ( } |          `-^\  `