Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/16/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly|                     |                 |                           
            |  Why, yes! I asked  | ..but it took   |  Well, after he said      
 Chess      | Jürgen to teach me  | only a while    |  "white mates" and I      
            | how to play chess,  | until he told   |  replied "with whom?".    
 I think I  | since I wanted to   | me that I was   |         ´                 
 just did   | show him that we    | probably a      |   /ì   .       Now, how   
 something  | butterflies are not | hopeless    And |  / |  /|      could THAT  
 stupid...  |  as unsteady and    | case!      when | ( °|«/°|      be related? 
   ´        |   easily distracted |  `      did that|  \_(ö).'      \ ¸ ¸´      
 };{  Again?|   as he thinks..    |  };{     happen?| í¯`77~¯)       \»X|«      
            |\   /\´              |         \«. ´   | |°/M|°/        /N~"ß}     
       \«¸  | )«/ o)  \¸»«.       |        .´'}.    | |/  |/         ¬ ¬ `&,    
      .´´}¸ | {''¸/    X~"}«      |_        ¯\ &    | ´   ' `Dunno.  |  / \}?   
by     ²\ &_|<¯^_>     ì`/ `«     |°)_       ( _¯)~`| I bet he just  `-^\  `)«¸_
 Jürgen ( _ |7°/o)     `´ \  ~-=-.|´° )   .  <| (|  | doesn't know!      )  `~´ 
   Wallner <|/^|/         / . _(  |"~´ '    - ´ ´´ '|                   (       