Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 01/16/03

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                           |               |
          |    So, maybe               | You seem to   |I'm relieved!  You've
 False    | we're late, but   Yeah, and| have a minor  | I've been      been
Assumption| at least nobody  finally he| misconception |starting to    watching
          | has been hurt in  has hit  | about car     |wonder about   too much
Ah, late  |  Jürgen's car     someone! | traffic!      |his bad aim!  Star Trek.
as always!|     crash!        _  ´     | /        Oh!  |\  ´/\            ´
     `    |       `           \ö/>     ||    They DON'T| \«/ o)          
       };{|              /    <K\      ||  want to run | {''¸/     \            
  .»./    |         »><«/       ¯      | \   into each |<¯^_>       \»><«       
 {/ '\    |        {%~¯X\              | Of     other? |7°7o)       /X¯"\}      
{/ /`´    |       {/ \´ í              |course    ´    |/^|/        i '/ \}     
)_ )      |      {&  |\.|              | not!    x     |  '         |./|  ß}    
by|\      | ¸.¸_.'?  | ^´             .|   ` »/        |            `^ |  ?'._¸.
 Jürgen   |´ `·´'´    \           .-.( | ~.-´(´        |              /    `'`·´
  Wallner |   ¸       /        .-( o  `|  />"7\   c9 ¸ |              \       ¸ 