There is a way about the Rabbits, an inexplicable warm and fuzzy attitude they bring to all they do and create. The Rabbits are concerned with how things operate, and organize the interaction of members of the Fluffy Faith. Rabbits do all in their power to make sure their work fosters warmth, abundance and communication methods that both discourage and cope with inevitable misunderstanding.
Like other archetypes, the Rabbits sometimes take the task of judgment upon themselves, and like the Kitten, often take it upon themselves to irritate those deserving. Rabbits are known for being very clever and tricky. Though fun-loving, they are masters of endurance and are known for their ability to pester.
Classification "W": Ancient Breed: Manhivhozho
Ancestors of Lagos Sapient. Dark green or peach complexion common. As mysterious as mischievous. Like Serpentine, parietal eye (stone eyebrows) and large membrane around head used in telepathy. Said to resemble bipedal hare or bandicoot.
Earth Breeds: (Lagos Sapient)

Various Human-Manhivhozho crosses, used to soften Class C traits before use as studding.


D: Fragile X linked carrier Resembles Homo Sapient. Energetic. Cannot be hypnotized. C: Fragile X linked Sapient Lanky, Large feet, tall face, extended ears. Limited telepathy. Marcorchidism (Male genitals approximately double average size.) B: Lagomorpha chromosomal carrier Resembles Homo Sapient. Effeminate. Used in government research. A: Chimera, Animal-form predominant Resembles oversized Hare more than Homo Sapient. Awkward joints, hopping behavior, long muscular ears, often social-outcasts. Gigantism generally no longer a problem. Fur, however, does not cover entire body. Require custom tailoring.
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