
Furry "Etiquette"

Okay, okay. Now i'm all for freedom of expression and all that jazz.... BUT c'mon folks whatever happened to standards?
Being a fur is great! Fucking lovely as a matter of fact. Everyone needs hobbies right?
However, there are a few times when i feel sick to the bottom of my stomach to be associated with some furs.
One of these occassions is when i see full on furry "lifestylers" in all their fucked up pervy glory, waving their badly stiched tails and laptops full of furry smut all over the bloody place.

I swear it's like gonorrhea for your eyeballs.

Do scat fetishists go round covered in shit from head to toe on a monthly basis in public? Hmm NO.

And don't give me all this "omg it's furrY Pride! lolz Nazi!" bollocks either. You can be proud to be furry without making a twat of yourself in public places.

Take an example here,

SCENE - Public Bar that allowed a fur meet to take place

Fur one - "god that's a huge wolf cock! I wish i could be fucked by that!"
Fur two - "Nah it'd be better if he had bigger breasts."
General public - "OmfgBBQ! i think i'll complain about these freaks!"

The same goes for having a full on sex show in the middle of a bar.

That is NOT good furry etiquette.

Now i know the majority of furs can hold a normal conversation without the need for a laptop next to them and even go to a meet not looking like a sports mascot crossed with a lawn mower.

It's a shame you have a few who drag the rest down.

Try some regular lines of conversation perhaps?

Talk about some clean furry art? (yes it does exist!)
Con Plans?
Existential Philosophy?

Who the hell cares as long as it doesn't add to the perception we are all as fucked up as MTV would like to portray us.

And for those Furs who say "well i don't care what people think of me!"
Quit being a little free spirited furry fuck up. Your in a public place and not everyone wants to see you act out your screwy magical headspace.
Other people exist!
Don't shove yourself down their throats! (physically or metaphorically)

If your not smart enough to realise in a public place, that are things called "perceptions" and "limits" you don't deserve the privledge of socialising out of a mental ward.
