Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 03/15/01

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity XIV    http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  &_Butterfly _¸,-._¸_-¸--(¯)|  Well, carry them    | Thith ith inconvenient!    
 "´ `:-      ¯`-._¸.~"´   /¯\| home and try to put  |  /                         
 ¯~´¯Here, take the rainbow- | the perfect clarity  | / Maybe it'th      I could 
    sign too, just in case.. | sign into your pool! | | pothible to  pocket those
                          \  |               _     \| | combine them  if  someone
  And what are we supposed ) |  But it *is*_ \ö/>  || | to "carriage  volunteered
  to do with them?        /  |perfectly      <K\   || |     return"?  to carry my
    ´    ´    `       ¸  ´   |clear!   So what?¯The||I don't      |   5kg weight.
  };{ .»/    ¸»/    _·.í\ .-.| | \  "c" also stands||think tho.   ´      `       
     .{'`,  ¸{``,  í'   }/,´ | |  \  for colorless!/|  \  \«.    \«.     };{     
    _% /^  _% /^   `~^) \k  .| `   `    \  <\__/> ´.|   `.´'}.  .``}.            
 *~( _ )*~( _ )    ®\/(. `~´¯|,»«¸/,»«¸/ ` (¬(¬)`}( |    ©²\ &_ ®²\ ß_           
   |) |7 «|> |).     _//-._(.|{"~X»{"~X   .´¯ ¯  \ \|      ( _ )~´( _ )~*        
 - `  `  .`. ``  . ~^"´ .´"~´| \'i' \'i  (°¸°,< . `<|.æ .  /| (\. <| (\  '  .  æ,
      ' · © · «   .   ' »   '|/-^´ / ^´   `"´  \  ´ |(`   .`´ ´´  .´  ´ .  «  .´\
 '  «    ´ ` .  '    .    '  |\  . )            ) · |^ .    «  .     '    .     ^