Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 03/19/01

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity XV     http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly   - --(¯)-|                          |                             
                    /¯\ | Um, given the    .   í\  | Thith meanth    Wishful     
   I jutht had ~   /   \| the  pothible    |\  | \ | thomeone hath   thinking    
 an interethting        | thide-effectht   |°\»|° )| to thwitch on  if you are   
 thought:  What    No   | I'd rather not   '.(ö)_/ | colorth again  drawn by the 
 if  the colorth  prob, | put thomethin'   (¯/\\>¯ì| or  we  will   lathietht    
 wore off while   ithn't| in our pool if    \°|H\°|| never know!    artitht  _   
  we were away?   it?   | not abtholutely    \|  \||  |             around.. \ö/>
       `         ´      |   nethethary!       '   `|  ` ¸»«¸/   \¸»«.  ´     <K\ 
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     ©²\ &_ ®²\ &_      |   /N"~&} what? /N"~&}    |  {  'ô´-.=. `ô \  ~-=-.=.   
       ( _ )~*( _ )~´   |   ¬ ¬ `ß,   \  - - `$,   |  ( ¸ _(  ì `«  / . _(  ì `« 
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   . »  ´ .´  ´´. ´  .  |   `-c)  `)«¸_ _`-R)  `)«¸|  \|[   /]|   ° `]| - /|[ °  
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