Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/21/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity XXIX   http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
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 & Butterfly     o | `·´      `´   .·.|..although from |_)        _         (¯)
  °   o  ¯ _ ° -   | And staring  :   |inside. But now |         (_)         ¯
 I WAS right the ° |back is not    '·'|that I'm under (| o   Dammit!       .
other day - acting |unlike pressing   |water, I could  |    They MUST be ` _ ´
in a strip really -|my nose against  ¸|as well search °|   . somewhere! - (c) -
 feels like being  | an aquarium.. .' |for them stupid | ` _ ´   o   ¸   . ¯ .
¯  watched...     o|    (¯)  `´  .´  ¸|signs - question|- (R) -  :°. ;.    ´
 o     o ,    ,° - |·¸   ¯()    .    `| is: where?  o  | . ¯ .   :`  : .  ¯¯  o
   -  í\°|\  (")   |  `.   ..  . ¸,   |()  o           |   ´   o :°:»:° :
  _   (~\|o)-´¯` ° | .¸ `.':. _: `´ ¸,|     °.   °  () |_        `,:ö:¸:  o    _
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  ¯ o ('\\´)   <')<|¸,    .' o  : .'. |   ( °\»/° )  o |          .°:;.°:
-   _  \|~\| -  ¯ o|`´    `:.:·´`'`.´·| () `.(ö).´     |   o   ~   .:  .:   _
  >(´>  ' o`  °_ - |`·.:':´      ,.´`'|    .^\¯7^. °   |      _     `   '  (_)
    ¯ o ¸     <`)< |  .`'`·':    :  ¸,|o  (° /M\ °)   (|     (_) __    ~       °
 °  -  _)\_  o ¯ o | .   :;  :·.·´: `´|    \/°  \/  o  | °           o        __