Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 05/24/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity XXX    http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly  °  |  (¯)  -  o   ° |    o   °  -  (¯)  ° |  _  | °    o   (¯)
Great! Here I am,|Uh,¯right! Well,|..and more than¯once | (_` | ..although¯in  °
getting "drawned"|lets face it: if| you'll spot an "I- (| ._) | this case it's
over the weeks, °|the °cartoonist | didn't-know-how-to- | ___ |just made up with
and there's still|lacks some basic| draw-this-so-I-drew-|  (  |special effects..
   ° no trace of |skills - such as|   ° something-else"-|  |  |   _   ° () _
°You   a sign  ° |drawing - the°  | So,    panel in our |  _  |  (_)     o    °
should  anywhere!|plot has to do °|how are   strip..    | (_| |    _    /\°  /\
be able ._.()·(c)|twists and turns|you going   o     ,° | | ) |°     o ( °\»/° )
to "look(R)·o '¯'|  °  sometimes..|to grab   o  °.í\ |\ |  _  | This    `.(ö).´
'em up" '7\ ° /\ |o  ·_·    o  () | 'em?  -  . .  (°\|°)| (_` |is SO  ° .´<N\`.
by now! ( °\»/° )|  ·(c)· ° ¸  o  |  o    . : © ·  >ö)< | ._) |cheap!  (° /M\ °)
    o °  `.(ö).´ |·_··¯·:   ;.°  _|)  °_ · ® ' `  (~\\`)|     | o       \/   \/
° _°   o .^)¯(^. |(R)·  :`  : . (_|  >('> ´ `   o° \|~\|| (_| |  °_   -      _
>(^> -  (° /H\ °)|·¯·   :°:»:° :  |_   ¯    ° Easy. '  `| | ) | >(´>     °  (_)
  ¯  o   \/   \/ |   () `,:¨:¸: o |_) -  o   {   {   o  |     |o  ¯  °  }  }