Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/04/01

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_______________________________ ___________________                _____________
|                             | |                 |                |           |
|  I still      Well, in the  | | ..I wasn't even |  ..and I was   |Not even if|
| don't get    the beginning I| | sure whether or |  afraid that   |I tried to |
| why you are  was quite a bit| | not people would|  nobody would  |disguise as|
| using ASCII-  enthusiastic  | | accept it as a  |  pay attention | Mr. Scott |
| art  for     about the idea,| |       comic..   |  to my ideas   |  McCloud! |
| a comic   but in fact I knew| |They      (      |  about comics. |  ` _¸.¸_  |
|  strip!    very little about| | DO?  Very funny.|      `         |  .í#####ì.|
|    `           comics...    | |   `  ¸    ` ¸»«¸|     ,»*«,      |  (ª`¯-="^#|
|                             | |;-. /ì.·_    .'²$|   .$»´^`«$.    |   (¯)-(¯)`|
|.-=-.  <\__/>         sG&o,  | | `.\{   'ì   _).(|   &(.) (.)§    |   '¯(_ ¯'²|
| `.  ){´(¬)¬)         ' ·³9  | |\  d/ (^~´  o> /]|   ·  (_)  ·    |  ¸.· ² ·.¸|
|   \/ /  ¯ ¯`.       (^¸ /²  | |¯`~´ .)~^`   òí=)|    \  ¸  /     |·´|¯|`"´|¯||
|    >´ . >.^¸^) _¸  ¸.) (_   | |.)_.-\\_ '  . |_\|     ì"-"í      ||¯|¯|.-z|¯||
|_.·´ `  /  ´"´ (_)\/ ¸`"' `. | |`~"`. `"^  . '--¹|  ."´`'-'´`".   ||¯|¯|2-~|¯||
|  `  . (         \  Í _  >  )| |  '     .       '| /       - . `. ||¯|¯|   |¯||
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     Scott © by Scott McCloud
            ~             pure     ~            |                              |
~ By the way, I    ~   abstraction    Hmm... ~  | ..what made you choose the   |
 like Mr. McCloud's*        ·         . \ í\    |                copyright sign|
 big triangle, because    .´©`. ~     |\ `| \   |Well, actually    as a symbol |
 Unicorn & Butterfly     ·    `·      |°\»|° )  |for most people     for pure  |
  is living at the   ~ .´      ``.  ~ '.(ö)_/   |it IS a purely     abstraction?
    edge there!       ·        \« ·   (¯~\\~¯ì  |abstract idea.       )        |
          /         .´        .``} `.  \°|M\°|  |   (            Point taken!  |
  ~      ´         ·           ¯\ `  ·  \|  \|  |*They* usually     ´          |
   ,o&Cc         .´               »`  `. '   `  |take  a  lot -  };{         - |
   6´· '    ~   · ?              (ö)`FACE   ~   | more than                    |
   ²\ _^)      ´'''''''''''''''''''''''''`      |  that!  ¸»«¸     -   ·       |
~    )`(.¸    realism    ~    iconic   text     |       ` &³',       .´ `. -   |
  .´¯'"´¸ \_ _             abstraction    ~     |     -   ).(¸      ·    `·    |
 (  <  _ |_ (_)        ~                     ~  | -       <_]>°  -.´      ``. -|
  `(¯)¸¸.{ ¯     ~                   ~          |      -  (º¦    ''''''''''`'' |
    ¯                                           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
________________________________                        ________________________
|                              |                        |  -=º±=-      - --(_)-|
|  However, despite all its    | ..which - along with   | And yet we       / \ |
|limitations, ASCII-art proved |  my readers' positive  | still seem ^ Because |
| to be suitable for a comic.  |  feedback - kept me    |surprisingly  you can't
|  Even more - it offered me   |  going for more than   | distant..    draw my |
| some unique possibilities..  |  one year, "drawing"   | But - why?     legs? |
|            `                 |  my beloved unicorns.. |   `          \  ´  -=|
|    ,»¼    ¸»*«¸   .d58b d58b |    \                   |  ,o&Cc  ~     \»><«  |
|   .{'`,   ³^,^³  d42P.`65P.`8|     `    ..in a rather |  6´· '        /N¯~\}¸|
|  _% /¯    _)-(_  8P °od21bod4|     ,»*«,   alien way. |  ²\ ¸^)¸     ¸i '/ \}|
|         _/ `"´ \_°   8P °4213|   .$»´^`«$.     _ ´_   |`'·´) (.¸`·:'´ | /|  ß|
|  ,».%  c)_/  ^\_(o       °421|   &(') (')§    °_\/_°  |- (¯'"´¸ \  `' `^ |  ?|
| {/ "\     |¨"¨|    d58b   d42|   ·  (_)  ·    (¬)(¬)  | ¸[ ì _ | (¯).  '/    |
|{/ /^´     | | |    8°d58o4213|    \  -  /     (¯..¯)  |__\_¯( ){`´¯___- \____|
| ____-   . (^X^) .    8°421376|     ì"-"í       >==<   |·_¯(¯ ¯ |¯¯¯_·_¯¯¯____|
| '©-®'¯-    ¯.¯     .   °42137|  ."´`'-'´`".   í  æ ì  |¯|¯|  Í |¯¯¯|¯|¯¯// |||
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...to be continued...                    http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/

* www.scottmccloud.com