Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/07/01

                               _    _           _       _                       
 ) /  ·     _    () /)  77_ _ //   ( `7_ ·   //)/ /     /··_ _ _    / /_ //  _ _
( //)/(¯(¯)/(/) (X /)(///(-/(/((/ . )//(//) /(/ )/)(/ (/(//((/(-/) (//(/((/)(-/(
 ¯  ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯        ¯      ¯ / _/   ¯ ¯  /¯     ¯ ¯_/        _) ¯                
So, finally this           Why     ..other than that      .-..'¯'.'¯'..-.       
leaves  us  with  ¸»«¸  unicorns?  I always  wished    .-(   '       '   )-.    
what  turned out  &³¬,      ´      they would exist,  (    If you           )   
to  be the  most  ).(m    «   };{  and finally made  .- believe in me,  };{ -.  
frequently asked  |\_7  .´'}   __  my peace with    (  I'll believe           ) 
        question  (=¦    ²\ "")~´  the fact that    .'  in you!       Deal! '.  
   ,o&Qc  in my   |_| .   <(¯(\ .  in our world    (     `¸»«¸    \.«¸  ´      )
   6´· '  life..  ¹--' .   '»      they don't.  _   :     &²',    /' \}       : 
   ²\ ¸^) ´       '  »   .    '       ´        (_) (      ).(_    ²´\ \}_      )
     ) (.¸  -.    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯,»*«,      ()      `.   /|\_(B    _( _( )~« .´ 
  .´¯'"´¸ \   ..to which I     .$»´^`«$.  o         (    `(=¦      \¯|  \|    ) 
 / .í    | (¯) still don't     &(') (')&     But     '- . /_|     . `|  /|. -'  
 \ \| ¸¸.{`´¯  have a good     · ¯(_)¯ ·  then again  (   ¹--'  .    ´ .`´  )   
  (¯)    |      answer..        \  ¬  /  _"inexistent" '-(   .       .   )-'    
 - ¯|  Í |     _                 ì"-"í  ¯   just means    '-''._.'._.''-'       
  - ]  | [  -         -       ."´`'-'´`".    "to be created"..                  
|                                      ¸.¬:'¨´¯¸,¸_      ¬=±÷=-       _¸.-,¸_ ¸ 
| And in fact - however weird you ¸.·'´ ) °)  ¯`¨¯ .   í\   _¸.,_¸_  ¯`"~-'~^¯_¸
| may find my methods, however .·´ (°¯)'_o °)      |\  | \ ¯¯`"~^¯           ¯`~
| insignificant it may seem ¸·´ °Nope, ° )-'       |°\«|° )         ^           
| - *this* is what I did, .' °the.power-'          `,(ö)_/                  ~   
| and  what  the  whole ¸'° ) to)create!    ~      (¯~\\^¯ì                     
| thing is all about:  . (  °)-' /                  \°|M\°|     -               
|  ¸»*«¸              : ° ),o&Cc´                    \|  \|            \        
|  ³','³     Brain-  .  -'_6´· '-=-.-=-.  <\__/>      '   `  ¸.·.   ¸.,¸\»><«   
|  _)`(_   washing?  ´ -:¯ ²\ _^)   `. ¸){´(¬)¬)¸ ¸.·´`'·.,·´ ¨"¨`:'    /X¯"\}·:
|_/ `"´ \     ´     :  ´¯¯'. )`(.¸' . \/ /  ¯ ¯`.`'No match`for \¸»«.   î ^/ \} 
¢)_í  ^> )   )ï(    :_ "  .´¯'"´¸ \    >´ . >.^¸^) the power to  X~"}«  | /|  ß}
|  |~"¨¢²           :°)_ (  <  _ |(¯)·´ _  / .´"´  RULE!_'_-     î^/ `« `´.|  ?~
|  |_\_\  .      æ, ` o_:-\(¯)¸¸.{´¯ .-( )( - .  ´  '`¸(.Y.)_´ ' `´ \  ~-=-:=.  
|' (")(")   .    ´\' :¯_    T    | .( °_o ¯)-._¸»-~"¨¯<_^¸^_>`'-«_ '/ . _(  ì¸`«
| . ¯ '¯ .     °   .  . ¯'. |  Í |(o  (   o ° ) .   .-(||_||)-._  `<<\(¯. \ í||¯
 Even if it is relying on one of |  ..or whatever you may have in mind..       |
 the most  unusual  capabilities |---------------------------------------------|
  of the  human mind:  to turn   | FIONA? THERE'S     NO NEED TO POINT THAT   ¼|
   underscores and braces into   |SOMETHING STRANGE  OUT TO ME! I STILL CAN'T  |
    Unicorns and Butterflies...  |GOING ON¸,¸        GET USED TO OUR   _¸      |
                                 |  \  o:^'·.;.;__   NEW LOOK!,..¸ ¸·'´¸·¸.,  ±|
        _         Hmm, you are   |   .´: `;´/÷¬+-        \ .´.-=·-`¸.¸:·´¸'   w|
   ?   {_}        missing these: |  :`.`:'     ¯¯         _:_´·´¯":' " :.-.   Z|
  ¸»«¸        };{´    "|(´~¸&\   |  `:.'   .    '¸,  ¸,·´¯-=-^:-.: '  .´.¨ : ==|
  &³', _And            <\`«'¸)   |¸,:'¸,--,-·; o`·': -_=¯-¨-¯:`   `'"´ o.,'   ð|
  )"7¸  how?       \«¸ `\;´.²´"  |`'"^:.¸  `´ c ¸.·´   ¯·=·"´¯`:¸   ,     ;  ¯<|
  |-]>°           .´'}¸´         |       `: .·'´          ¸.=;:.;`"·=-·"¨´   ¯.|
  (=¦              ²\ &_         |   ¸.·:¨:¸;^':.      ¸·¨, ´: ':`:¸         ¯)|
 .|_|  .    .æ      ( _ )~`      |Rudy Dewclaw & Fiona Fennec*  © Bill Holbrook|
. ¹--'.   ' (`  «  '<| (\.  '  « |---------------------------------------------|
  « '   .  «  '   '  ´.´´  .  '  |   ..for there's NO limit to imagination.    |
*appearing for the last time - promise :) http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com