Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/21/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _ Perfect Clarity XXXIII http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
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.&:Butterfly.|                                   o8o  8o
:::::::::::::| I'm glad your    And how am      8888 88|o88o  ..
AT:LONG:LAST:|collection is   I going to fit   8888888 88 88 8°°8 o°o .o. ¸.¸ ¸
THEY:GET:BACK|complete once   into your cubic °88 °88  °888° °88° °o° °.° °.°'.'
TO:MARVIN...:|again. Pity     collector's box?         |* _  _   *        _ *
:'         ':|that we weren't     `            Don't   | /  /_) / / /| / /  /_/
    /ì   .   |able to get rid of   .:::.   mention it  |(_ / \ (_/ / |/ (_ / /
   / |  /|   |the rainbow, once   :::::::  - that's not|          *            *
  ( °|«/°|   |we put the sign    ::<\ë/::: much of a   | *  See?       *   OW!
   \_(ë).'   | into our pool..   :::/K>::: problem...  |      `             ´
  í¯<77(R)   |   ,»«¸/ ` ,»«¸/    :::::::   `<\__/>  .-|-.-=-.  <\__/> :::::::::
  |°/H|°7    |  »{"~X   »{"~X      ':::'     ('(')`}(  |  `.  ){´(¬)¬) ::''_''::
  |/  |/     | »' \'i  »' \'i               .´¯ ¯  \ \/|    \/ /  ¯ ¯`.:: (R) ::
  ´   ´     .|~  /=`´-~  / ^´    ¸.....¸   (°¸°,< . `< |     >´ . >.^_^):..¯..::
.         .::|_. )í )_ . \      :""""""":   `"`  \  ´ `|  .·´ `  /  ´"´\));:::::
:::.....:::::| )|\ì/   )/>>     :256 pcs:         ) ·  |   `  .  `.    //¯