Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/25/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                          _¸.-=,¸_¸       ¸._¸._        -=:=-   _¸.-
         |  What do YOU think about    ¯`"~´¯        ¯`"-=-"^~               ¯`"
Ads- it's| our new advertisement?        +------------------------------------+ 
Hard to  |    ´     -              ^     |  HELP! I've    ~       ^  \«,-    ¤| 
Attract  |   /ì   .        ~             | been  forcibly   <`-´>    i'~}- };{| 
 your    |  / |  /|                      |characterized as` X " X¸ .·`´)\}¸ ¸.| 
Audience | ( °|«/°|      Dunno - is the  |a pet-dragon!    /\ì²í/\´»´(¯  ) `'·| 
         |  \_(ö).'     slogan supposed  |  )/  '_   _    (' [ ] .)  )/¯|\ æ, | 
 };{     | í¯<77~¯)     to advertise or  | (//)/( ()/(/)  .`(L|J)´ . || |/.´)«| 
         | |°/H|°/   \ ¸ ¸  to comfort   |  & Butterfly    _´" "`.  -``.`  - .| 
   \.«,  | |/  |/     \»X|«  people?     |ASCII-art comic -'cause things like | 
   /" \} | ´   '      /N~"ß}    ´        | these just don't happen elsewhere..| 
   `^\ \}|            ¬ ¬ `&,            +------------------------------------+ 
by       |            |  / \}.             ||_                           .-||   
 Jürgen  |            `-^\  `)«¸_         _||°)-.                .    .-(o ||-. 
  Wallner| .   '    .    ´)  `~´ ¯¯`¸    (°||- ° )  '     .          ( o -°|| °)