Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 07/02/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly   Not all of us   |   Well, that   ( Hmmm...  ¸    )            _(¯
           | are happy with our|  imagination   (  «     ¸ | ¸  ) WHY DO    ( 
 The       |cartoonist's       | stuff really   (_('`,  »|\§/|« )´YOU ASK?   `"~
Possibility| decision    I DO  |appears somewhat(_ /~´ ¸( ^ ^ )¸)
 of Being  | never to  KEEP MY | theoretical to ( W »  {´ì'-'í }) Oh, no reason
           | appear   PROMISES,| me...  I can't (  (")  ([   ]( ) - just wanted
 What, no  |in this   BUT FEEL | imagine myself ( <(²)7  ´»_ `  ) to know your
 unicorns? | strip     FREE TO | as a different (}±=×-   .¨ )~  ) point of view.
   `     / | again.. ¸ ASK ME A| species,       |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|     . ` .
    »><«/  |   ` |\»/| QUESTION| can I?    OF   | Interesting.. |     |\-/|
   {%~¯X\  |     ('.')OR_TWO.. |  `      COURSE | And what      |    ( ' ' )
  {/ \' i  |     í`²´)/´.'    `|     «  YOU CAN!| about »  SURE!|     `>º<´_¸
 {&  |\.|  |     | _ |)´      .|   .´'}   __   `| you .``)     `|     (   )¯`
 `?  | ^´  |). - ||-||>    .-(°|    ²\ "")~´  æ,|)   ` ¯\`~")^  |' -  )(¨)( ^
by Jürgen  |° )  "`.´"  ^ ( ° "|) .  <(¯(\.   ´)|°)  .  /(¯(\  .| .  (() ()) '
   Wallner |"´ ' .     .   `  ~|    .   '   .   |~  .    '   .  |°  »   '   . °