Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/28/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly|             Uhhh, we're ALMOST|   (° o `.°( o°`.-.°´ ò )-.o`°)    
            |    Easy now,  |        there..|   ó'.-. ó  '- ó ° ).° ó ° )-'Darn!
Paradisiacal|don't force it!| Please       `|};{ (o°.- ( ò.- .-'° ) _.-: ò These
 State of   |              `| don't    YEAH!|     '( ó( '- °( o.-' ° ò °) apples
  Affairs.. |   Ahh. Works  |think I'm     `|Say, isn't-(ò NO!-WITH-.)-'ARE hard
            |   MUCH better |overly curious,|this a quite'-THE FEMALE_ to reach!
 Don't get  |   than alone..| but this just |embarrassing-(ON TOP IT¯'ò'    /   
this wrong, |       _      `| *HAS*  to  be |pose in a   ó '-:AIN'T! ´·`\«¸´    
 will ya?*  | };{  ´ )      | investigated..| family     ."¯`| |-` \.«¸.´'\}  ´ 
  `¸»*«¸    |       í       |     ¸   ¸ |   | strip?  Who ^¯\:-´)  /'¸\}²\'(}  _
   ³','³    |     « o       |     |\»/| ´   |    ` »  ever´ (.-´)- ²´\'\}(  \   
   _)²(_    |   .``}   __   |     ('.')     |__   {'`, said (.-í-._  (  (7)( )~«
 _/ `"´ \_  |.æ  ¯\ "")~´  _|).   (`²´ì--.  |`~("" /^  it was| |¯¯-` ||¯"\||/  -
c)_í   ì_(s |(` . <|¯(\. _(°|o )  | _ |"~´ (|. )>¯)\ ' one?.-| |¯)   || ./|/|   
by Jürgen   | '  .    . (°'-|-'  °|| ||  «  |    '   .     `.^~"`. ´ ''. `'`' ` 
   Wallner  |  .    '    .¯`|° «  "','"   . |' .       .  '   '    .     '.    '

* There is a difference between adult and mature - this one's for the latter.