Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/01/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
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 & Butterfly        ':::::.     |  ..with   :::: T | \ _ /                      
       -=:| I just can't':::.   | regular or ':   W| ´\_/`  ..or      .:::::.   
 Choice   | decide how to ::::  |  reversed  .:.  I|÷-(_)-÷maybe.. .::::::::::: 
=-    _¸.-| appear today!  :::: | colors..  :::: R | ./_\.       ` :::::::::::::
       `"~| Should I bend  :::: |   `    ..:::' L  | /   \ Hmm,    '::::   :::::
   This is| back or   `  ,::::' |     .:::'    !   | better being in     .::::: 
:.. awful!| forth..    ..::::'  |    ::::'         | doubt than not     :::::'  
:::::. ´  |       ..:::::::'    |   .:'  ..and what| being at all,     :::::    
'':::::.  |     .::::::'''      |  :::: about somes|  I suppose..      ':::'    
   '::::. |    ::::''        };{|  :::' fine twists|       `   ¸ ¸ /            
¸»/  ::::.|   ::::     \«.      |   ':. and spirals|          »|X«/    .:::.    
{``, '::::|  ::::     .´'}.     |   .:::´ \¸»«.    |         {%"~Z\    ':::'    
 /² `What?|  ::::      ¯\ &     |   ::::   X~"}«   |        ,§´ ¬ ¬             
by    ::::|   :::: æ,   ( _¯)~` |    ':'   i'/ `«  |       .{/ \  |             
 Jürgen:::| .  ''''´) . <| (|   |   .::.   `´ \  ~-|    _¸»('` /^-´             
   Wallner|       .      ´ ´´  .|   ::::      / .  |¸´¯¯´'"´  (`                