Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/11/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _  Relatives II          http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly  | Even ordinary     .-.(   (¯'¯)   ).-.    _¸,-._¸  _  .-( What's
------------. | unicorns are   .-(        `.´        )-.  ¯`~´¯     (    wrong
L'HOPITAL'S / | "divisicorns" (   (¯'¯)         (¯'¯)   )      -=- .-'with that?
FANTASY IS /  |\when facing  .-'   `.´    / -    `.´   '-.        (         |
 RUNNING  / |¯¯ \   right!  (        »><«/   -»><«        )  ~     :-  \?:  ´
 WILD:   /  |__ / ¸»8«¸´     :-     {%~¯Z\   /N¯"\}     -:        (    2\»><«
--------´     |/  {\"/}     (      {/ \^ î   î ^/ \}      ) L'Hopital,  /X¯"\}
Why restrict  |   ´|²\'  ||  :-   {&  |\ |   |./|  ß}   -: You're about ì ´/ \}
 ourselves    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯(     %)  | ^´   `^ |  ?´     )to postulate | /|  6}
  to unary    |Again, cross- '-.        \     /        .-' semi-ternary `^ |  &'
 operators?   |breeding is of (   Mmmh, *SURE* it is!   )   operators!-(
¸».% ´     };{|particular ¸».% '-(                   )-',».%      `     '-''._.'
/ "\   \«¸    |interest! {/ -\  \«'-''._.(   )._.''-'  {/ '\        \«¸
 /^´  .´´}¸   |      ` _{/ /^´ .``}¸ But..`T´        _{/ /²´ Uh,   .´'}¸    };{
 )     ¯\ &   | };{ »~( )  )    ²\ & ´     |      »~( )  ) `right.  ²\ &
|\      ( _¯)~Í       |/ ¯|¯7    ( _¯)~´   |        |/ ¯||Forget it! ( _¯)~`

A semi-ternary operator would take one and a half operand - or probably not...