Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/08/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                  |            |                        .-..'¯'..-.
        |    Hi, l'Hopital,   | Besides    |  Hmmm, I'm almost   .-(   '   '   )
Relatives   good that I found |fracticorns,| tempted to invent* (
        |  you! Ever since the| are there  |unary operaticorns,.-'   +
 Don't  |  bounds of reality  | any other  |but I guess they  (       +»><«
trap your  have been broken in|  strange   | don't count.      :-     /N¯"\}
ideas in|    our world, I had |mathematical|    |         Nah, we     ì `/ \}
thought | Go    a question in |"cousins" of|    `       *increment*!  |./|  ß}
bubbles | ahead.    my mind!  |   yours?   |        0/          (   ` `^ |  ?´
-set 'em|    ` ,».%     ´     |     ´      |    »><«/0      \ ¸ ¸'-(           )
  free! |     {/ '\   \«¸     | \¸»«.      |   {%~¯Z\        \»X|«  '-''._.''-'
    `   |   _{/ /`´  .´'}¸    |  X~"}«     |  {/ \' i        /N~"ß}
    };{ |»~( )  )     ²\ &    |  Ì`/ `«    |¸{&  |\.|        ¬ ¬ `&,
by      |  |/ ¯|\      ( _¯)~`|  `^ \  ~-= |§%)  | ^´ Great! |  / \}.
 Jürgen |. || '|/  .   <| (| '|     / . _( | ´    \  Fancy -´`-^\  `)«¸_
  Wallner  ``. `    .   ´.´´- |    <<|(¯   |      | second order.)  `~´ ¯¯`¸

*The increment operator "++" is a unary operator i.e. takes only one operand.