Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/18/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly|                              |           |                        
            |  A thing that                | ..besides |                        
  Fog       | happens to all               | I'm the   |   ARRRGH!              
            | comic strips                 | BUTTERFLY |  Our comic has         
 Ah, I knew | sooner or later!             | if you    | become yet another     
  this HAD  | Our cartoonist  ..wait a     | care!     | cut & paste strip      
 to happen! |  is too lazy   minute, white |  \        | stuck with "cut"!      
      /     |   to draw!     unicorns in   |   `..     | What next?             
   ..´      |       \       thick fog just |    ´`     |   \            Black   
   ´`       |        `..      look like    |           |    `..      butterflies
    What?   |         ´`       this!       | Sorry..   |     ´`       by night? 
       \    |       /           /          |    \      |    /              /    
        `.. |  A lame        ..´           |     `..   |  Ha ha.        ..´     
 by      ´` | excuse...      ´`            |      ´`   |                ´`      
   Jürgen   |                              |           |                        
     Wallner|                              |           |                        