Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/22/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly                         |               |                          
        |                            |   That's a    |                          
Obvious |  Ever since I realized     | secret  which |    ..it's just because   
        | that I'm acting in one,    |has been passed|  they have been stripped 
Synonym:| I wondered why they are    | on through    |              of any comic
"I don't| called "comic              |generations of |  A fact not   whatsoever!
  know  |  strips"!                  | cartoonists...| lost on our        )     
  why"! |      |        Psssst...    |       `       |  readers..        ´      
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 X~"}«  |     ¸»/    _·.í\ .-;:=.    |   < \___/ >   |    ¸ ¸ /    <\__/>  .-=-.
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    / . |´~(¯_ )    ´^~(. `~´¯"-.,_) |  '^\     /^'  | ,§´ ¬ ¬   (^¸^,< . `<    
by <<\(¯|. |) |>  '   _//-._(.-"^"~ .|  /\|(°¸°)|/\  |.{/ \  |    `"`  \  ´ `·. 
 Jürgen |  `` ` .    ^"´. ´"~´   .   | / ´[.`"´ ]` \ |(´  /^-´          ) ·  ´ ¯
  Wallner   '        o       °      '|( : L   . J : )|   (`            / .     '