Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/17/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly       |  Usually both     | ..the rest is all  | Pity that it won't
                   | start with only   | about making that  | get any more real 
   A Word from     |  a faint vision.. |  vision come true. |  than this! The   
  the Expert       |      `            |      `             | rest is up to you!
                   |    · . · · . ·    |    :·.·:':·.·:     |  ` í\.-="=-./ì    
Art and technology |    ·'¸.¸.¸.¸'·    |    :'¸.¸.¸.¸':     |    [^¸_ _ _¸^]    
are more alike than|   ·'¸ .   . ¸'·   |   :'¸´.   .`¸':    |   /'¸í.ì í.ì¸'\   
 most people think!|  ·  ·   °   ·  ·  |  :  :   °   :  :   |  í  {   °   }  ì  
     ` ..          |  ·¸ ^ . ' . ^ ¸·  |  ·¸ ^·.¸´¸.·^ ¸·   |  /  ^·.¸'¸.·^  \  
       ´`          |  ·. , · ¯ · , .·  |  ::;, : ¯ : ,;::   |  ((¡,_) ¯ (_,¡))  
                   |  ¸·' ´ ' ' ` '·¸  |  ¸·'¨´`'-'´`¨'·¸   |  ¸·"¯ `"-"´ ¯"·¸  
                   |  .  .       .  .  |  :  .       . .::; |  [  .       .  ]  
                   |  ····       ····  |  :··:       :··.,' |  ¦--(       )--¦  
                   |  ·  ·   '   ·  ·  |  :  :   '   :' .'  |  [  | - ` - |  ]  
                   |· ..;· · · · ·;.. ·|··,,;·········..····|--ooO---------Ooo--
by Jürgen Wallner  |                   |                    |                   
--------------------------------------------Florence Ambrose © by Mark Stanley--

Thanks and apologies to Mark Stanley. I've been reading Freefall for years now, and so should you!