Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 12/20/01

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
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 & Butterfly                 |               |                 |                
            | A word, Jürgen?|     ...now    |  As a matter of |        Yeah,   
Consistency | I have always  |   that you're | fact I don't    |        pretty  
  of the    | wondered what  | asking I have | care much about | And    strange 
 Unexpected | you draw when  | to admit that |that, and somehow| this   nobody  
            | you don't      |    I honestly | I mysteriously  | works? ever    
Everything's| know what  My..|        don't  |  get away with  |   ´    noticed,
unexpected -| to draw!   ´   |  !      know! |\   /\  it!      | );(   isn't it?
you can count    ´   ¸»«¸    |  )ï(  ¸»*«¸´  | )«/ o)  ` sG&o, |         ¸»«¸´  
 on that!   |  };{   &³',    |       ³','³   | {'' /     ' ·³9 |         .`²$   
     `      |        ).(_    |       _)²ó_   |<¯^¸>     (^¸ /² |         ß).(   
     ,».%   |_     '/|\_(o   | _    /¸`"\')  |7°/°)    ¸.) (_  |         `[\ \  
    {/ '\   |°)_    `(=!     |(°)_  `ó-=-T   |/^|/  _¸/ ¸`"' ) |)_        ¦=9´  
   {/ /^´   |' °)¸  '/\ \¸   |)  °)  |_¡_|¸  |  ´  (_) | _ í ] | °) ¸     |_\   
by Jürgen   |"°´  . `-'^-' . |"~"´.  '-'-'   |_      `´}( )¯_/ |"´   . ' '--¹ ' 
    Wallner |  '    .  '  ¸  | ,    °  .   ° |o`.      | ¯ ¯)  |` .     ·  ¸   .