Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 01/07/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly     MODEST:    |     WISE:      |  AMBITIOUS:   |   RIDICULOUS:    
           |                |                |               |                  
Resolutions| I resolve not  | I resolve not  | I resolve not |  I resolve       
           | to strive for  | to offend my   | to watch bad  | never to be      
  Oh, how  |a more important| pointy horned  | sci-fi-movies | late with        
 tempting  |role in our     |fellow creatures|  this year.   | a strip   Wasn't 
 to break  | comic!     Will| when they are  |     _ ´_      | again!  that "no 
  them!    |     ´  you stop| within hearing.|    °_\/_°     |  `      more bad 
 ´ -: |/   |  /ì   . pushing|    .  `  .     |    (')(')     |  ¸»*«¸   jokes"  
."¯`| }=-´ | / |  /|   me?  |   < \___/ >    |    (¯..¯)     |  ³','³     last  
 ^¯\:-´)   |( °|«/°|\ ¸´¸   |  ._) - - (_.   |     >==<      | __)²( ß    year? 
   (.-´)   | \_(ö).' \»X|«  |  }=( ' ' )={   |    << æ>>     |< ¸`"´¹¯|  « ´    
   (.-í-._ |í¯`77~¯) 7N"~?} |  '^\     /^'   |     ìººí      | w:-=-:~ .´'}   __
by  | |¯¯ `||°/M|°/  ¬ ¬ `&.|    |(°¸°)|     |     |íì|      |  | : |   ¯\ "")~´
  Jürgen   ||/  |/   |  / \}|    [ `"´ ]     |     ()()      |  ("X")    <(¯(\  
    Wallner|´   '    `-^\  `|                |               |   ¯ ¯            